What is the  survey?

CoCoNut is part of YAHEE-OBSERVE work package, aiming at collecting and analyzing data on the food and physical activity environment of young adults. The CoCoNut survey is targeting students pursuing higher education in France and focuses on their habits in terms of nutrition and physical activity. The CoCoNut survey was launched in 2023 at Sorbonne Paris Nord University and is now expending to all students in France.

The CoCoNut survey is designed by a team of researchers from the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (EREN) based in Sorbonne Paris Nord University. In 2009, EREN launched the web-based cohort NutriNet-Santé with the objectives to study the associations between nutrition and health. So far, 170,000 participants have been recruited and regularly complete self-administered questionnaires related to sociodemographic characteristics, health status, dietary behaviors, physical activity, etc. As part of YAHEE, participants of the CoCoNut survey will be integrated as a novel sub-cohort of university students within NutriNet-Santé. As a result, students responding to the CoCoNut survey will have the opportunity to be part of the NutriNet-Santé study if they wish so.


Why the name CoCoNut?

CoCoNut stands for “Comprendre les Comportements Nutritionnels des étudiantes et étudiants” meaning “understanding the nutritional habits of students” in French. It is one of the main goal of this survey.

What’s the CoCoNut survey ?

The CoCoNut survey includes a set of online questionnaires targeting students in France with the aim of gathering data mainly on their dietary habits and their physical activity but also on other topics like mental health.

How do I know if I am eligible to become a CoCoNut participant ?

To become a CoCoNut you need to be enrolled as a student in a French higher education institution (universities, engineering schools, etc.). You should have at least 18 years old. You don’t need the French citizenship to participate.

Is it free?

Yes, the participation to the survey is completely free. CoCoNut is part of a public research project funded by the European Union and the French National Research Agency (ANR).

Is it anonymous?

All information concerning CoCoNut participants is treated in the strictest confidence by the researchers in charge of the study. Anonymity is fully preserved during all data analysis procedures.

Why should I become a CoCoNut?

Research is an essential step towards improving students’ eating habits and physical activity. In fact, by taking part in the CoCoNut survey, you will enhance our understanding of the problems encountered by students in their daily lives. All these results, as well as those from other countries, will then be synthesized and disseminated so that they can be translated into interventions and policies with the actors concerned, thus having an impact on improving the health and well-being of students.

How long does it takes to fill the questionnaire?

The CoCoNut survey is divided in four questionnaires. If you don’t have much time, you can respond in priority to the questionnaire “Student living conditions” which will take about 20min. And if you have more time, you can fill the three other questionnaires : “Weight and Health”; “Commuting behavior” and “Sustainability (SHED)” which will take you only 5 min each.

Can I save my answers and come back to the questionnaire later?

Yes, your answers are saved as you complete the questionnaire. You can leave and come back at anytime. At the end of the questionnaire, don’t forget to click on “Report” and then on “Validate my answers”. To check that your answers have been taken into account, go to the “My questionnaires” tab. The status of your questionnaire should be “completed”, not “in progress” anymore.

For how long are the questionnaires available?

Questionnaires are available for several months. The time remaining for completion is indicated next to the questionnaire on your NutriNet-Santé account. We advise you to complete the questionnaires before the end of your school year.

Who do I contact if I have questions or comments?

You can contact us via email : coconut@etude-nutrinet-sante.fr or via Instagram @etude_coconut

What’s NutriNet-Santé?

When you enroll in the CoCoNut study, you also become a member of NutriNet-Santé. Launched in 2009 in France by the EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team), NutriNet-Santé is a web-based cohort study (i.e. a group of subjects followed over several years) carried out on a large population of volunteers, with the aim of studying the relationship between nutrition and health. NutriNet-Santé gathers more than 170,000 participants and is still open to volunteers like you. The NutriNet-Santé study has already given rise to more than 250 international scientific publications with a strong public health impact at national and international level on several themes such as Nutri-Score, ultra-processed foods, sustainability, artificial sweeteners, etc. If you wish to continue to play a role in public health research, you can find all the information you need on https://etude-nutrinet-sante.fr/

Join the  community

Log on to the link: https://etude-nutrinet-sante.fr/ or follow the QR code

When registering, tick the box CoCoNut – Étudiantes et étudiants

Answer the questionnaires available:

  • Sustainability

    5 min

  • Student living conditions

    20 min

  • Weight and Health

    5 min

  • Commuting behavior

    5 min

To thank students for their participation, each person who answers the “Student living conditions” questionnaire will receive a guide designed by and for students, with advice and tips on nutrition and physical activity !

Any questions ? Contact us at coconut@etude-nutrinet-sante.fr

Follow us on Instagram @etude_coconut

Step by step instructions

Click on register
Step 1
Click on next if you accept the terms and conditions
Step 2
Enter your personal data
Step 3
Click « no » for the sponsorship code
Step 4
Check the box « CoCoNut – Étudiantes et étudiants »
Step 5
Step 6
Fill in the contact options
Step 7
Click on the activation link received in your e-mail
Step 8
You’re all set! Start filling in questionnaires
Step 9

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